Inhaler Testing
Welcome to AB FIA:s section for Inhaler testing – Orally Inhaled and Nasal Drug Products (OINDP). Click on your desired products and let our web shop guide you through the purchase process. Your purchase request will be sent to us and we will respond with a quotation.
Read more about our products or download our Catalogue ABFIA – Expanding the World of Inhaler testing.
We can fully equip your laboratory for a range of tests of OINDPs. Through our partnership with several lab equipment suppliers and with unique FIA-made products we can make your methods more precise, accurate and efficient.

Examples Based on Typical Inhalation Device Testing
- Mouthpiece adapters moulded according to your device fitted onto induction ports and inlets of the NGI, ACI, MLI and EP <0671>/USP <601> collectors.
- P1 dP connection to
- Critical flow controller, depending on model presenting P1, P2, P3 and Q, incl. printouts. Versatile with small footprint.
- Foreign particle analysis, ergonomic lab tools designed for pollution reduction when working in LAF cabinets.
- Breathing Profile Generator F-SIG 6300, ranging from rodent (0.1 l), smoker and adult profiles up to 6 liters. Single inhalation or tidal cycles.
- Software Metivent designed specifically for inhalation testing connected to volumetric air flow or TSI mass flow meters. Applications are recording of flow profiles (import into F-SIG 6300!), trigger points and rise time determination.
- Fully automated DDU, waste and AIM analyses, combined with semi-automated impactor FPD dosing.
High-throughput equipment for dispensing, agitation and sampling to make your lab work more efficient.
We hope you find our range of products and services attractive. Some are off-the-shelf as evident by the trade-item-number here at our Online Store, or customized. For the latter just write us a line at!